
Unable to get HD quality with Huddly GO?

Huddly GO is a platform agnostic with 720p output and is primarily designed for video conferencing, and many video conference software clients support 720p as a maximum resolution.

If you are not getting HD quality during your conference call, it could be due to the settings and limitations of your preferred video client application and network connection. We highly recommend you check the following issues that may affect the quality of your call:

  • A USB-C connector cable must be used to ensure HD quality. We recommend using the Huddly cable that comes with the camera.
  • USB Bandwidth – we recommend using one USB device at a time in order not to interfere with the overall quality of the video. 
  • Check settings for HD quality with the video client application you are using. Please be aware that Huddly GO does not support any higher resolution than 720p.
  • Network – check internet connection speed for a stable and reliable network prior to video conference call. You can disconnect other devices from your network to give more network capacity to the computer you are using for the call.
  • CPU usage – if you are running multiple programs at once, it can take up a lot of your computer’s RAM and processing power. Quitting all applications other than the one you are using will free up memory and will help your video client to run smoothly.

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