
End of Sales and End of Life announcement for Huddly Network Adapter

As part of our ongoing effort to innovate and serve our customers’ needs with the latest technology, we periodically assess our product portfolio and make adjustments based on market demands and technological evolution. After careful consideration, we have decided to announce the End of Sale (EOS) and End of Life (EOL) for the Huddly Network Adapter. This affects the Huddly L1 Kit with Network Adapter and the Huddly S1 Kit with Network Adapter.

  • End of Sale Date: 30.09.24

As of this date, the Huddly L1 Kit with Network Adapter and the Huddly S1 Kit with Network Adapter will no longer be available for purchase. We encourage our customers to order the Huddly L1 Kit with USB Adapter or the Huddly S1 Kit with USB Adapter as the replacement for the Huddly Network Adapter. 

  • End of Life Date: 30.09.27

The EOL date marks the final phase in the product’s life cycle. After this date, the Huddly Network Adapter will no longer receive driver updates or technical support. The Huddly L1 and Huddly S1 cameras will continue to receive software updates, despite the Network Adapter being replaced.

Affected GTINs

  • 7090043790696 – Huddly Network Adapter
  • 7090043790672 – Huddly L1 Kit with Network Adapter
  • 7090043790764 – Huddly S1 Kit with Network Adapter

Replacement products

The affected products are replaced by the following products:

  • 7090043790979 – Huddly USB Adapter with no accessories
  • 7090043790948 – Huddly L1 Kit with USB Adapter
  • 7090043790993 – Huddly S1 Kit with USB Adapter

The Huddly USB Adapter has all the features of the Huddly Network Adapter and in addition adds
plug-and-play support for the Huddly L1 and S1 cameras.


Huddly is committed to supporting the Network Adapter throughout the product’s warranty period. This includes technical support and driver updates to ensure your operations run smoothly during this period.

For the full statement, please see document below:

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