
Do I need to download drivers for the Huddly camera?

For our cameras Huddly GO, Huddly IQ and Huddly ONE, you do not need to download drivers.

When you connect your Huddly camera to your computer for the first time, Windows will automatically search and check for drivers, which may take some time before all the necessary drivers can be downloaded.

Please check with Microsoft Download Center for more information. Please take note that the speed of the download will depend on your computer’s internet connection.

For our cameras Huddly L1 and Huddly S1, the drivers are now downloaded automatically by Windows when the camera is connected to your computer.

It is still possible to download the the setup file for these two camera models if needed.

For MacOS users, please see this FAQ for installing the drivers for L1 and S1.

Once completed, we recommend that you download the Huddly App to make use of all its exciting and cool features.

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